

Staking Pool Launch
CUT coin is the first implementation to combine anonymity and Proof of Stake consensus algorithm. CUTcoin is a true PoS coin, not an hybrid/masternode solution allows holders to get rewards in privacy. We are happy to announce that finally CUTcoin Staking Pool is open on public!
Staking Pool is a solution for the community with a stable guaranteed profit even when someone has a small number of coins. Testnet pool will be also available.
Staking with us
Staking Pool is a comfortable solution with stable and predictable reward without any probability risks. Also, we thought about safety and eco-friendly approach.
Guaranteed reward
All stakeholders will get rewards proportionally without
low probability risks
Pool staking
Continuous staking means that there is no need to run a wallet
on your PC for 24/7
Fixed Stake
Fixed stake reward means every day and every hour
you stake you get rewarded

Staking in numbers

The chance to become the creator of the next block is proportional to the share of cryptocurrency belonging to this participant from the total amount staking at pool. And that means high chances. Every block found in the network you will receive reward.
> 2 CUT
Daily reward(for 1000CUT)
100 %
2 min
Every block found
5 %
Fee per reward earned

How it works

  • Create an account
    Only confirmed accounts are allowed to receive confirmation token and withdraw coins.
  • Start staking
    Use your Deposit address shown in your account to transact coins from your wallet (GUI, CLI, exchanges)
  • Wait for first reward
    As you might know you should wail 800 blocks to sync your wallet. It's just almost 27 hours.
  • Withdrawal
    To withdraw coins use confirmation token, specify the real CUT wallet address and amount of coins.

How to get CUT coins?

You can get CUTs simply if you bought them at exchanges. Or, maybe someone will
give them to you.
If you would like to explore all features and opportunities CUT provides you, just use testnet. Also, testnet pool is available.
Have a question for us?
Maybe some feedback?
We love talking to users about CUTcoin Staking Pool, and we're happy to answer your questions. But first, please read FAQ. We tried to wrote as much as possible about Staking Pool.
Don't forget to send us a note and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.